The Overcap hood leaves no one indifferent, to say the least! Here is a selection of publications, both in the written press (newspapers, magazines) as well as the web and radio media …

“Le Parisien” french media selected Overcap at Survival Expo Fair.
Overcap was presented on the Oxaz stand and did not fail to attract attention!
So much so that it is one of the 3 innovations selected by the media Le Parisien in its video on the event!
Overcap tested in Italy by magazine with a final score of 88/100!
In his article, Alfredo Tradati mentions having used Overcap while hiking in the mountainous region of Finale Ligure on the Mediterranean coast. He testifies that “the hood turned out to be an ingenious solution to deal with weather changes during our excursions.”

The program “Samedi A Tout Prix” presents the Overcap hood on France 5 TV.
The France 5 television channel took an interest in the Overcap hood in the program “Samedi A Tout Prix”. The Overcap hood appeared in the “inventor of the week” section.
Thank you to the whole France 5 team for the invitation to the show!
Voyages de Pêche magazine talks about Overcap, “ideal for the outdoors”
The magazine Voyages de Pêche, well known to fishing trip enthusiasts who travel the planet to meet the best spots, presented the Overcap hood in its number 139 from February-March.
Thanks to the editorial staff!

Live Overcap on 8 Mont-Blanc, the historic TV channel of Savoie Mont-Blanc
The Savoyard television channel became interested in the Overcap hood. The interview took place at the ephemeral studio set up on the “Camp de Base”, the booth of the Outdoor Sports Valley cluster, during the ISPO Winter 2020 trade fair, the largest European outdoor trade fair.
Thanks to 8 Mont-Blanc for this live interview, hosted by Emmanuel Jaud.
The site presents Overcap, “3 in 1 weather protection for the fisherman”
The Overcap hood was exhibited at the French fishing fair, the Carrefour National de la Pêche et des Loisirs (CNPL) in Clermont Ferrand. It seduced the fishermen.
The online magazine wished to present this innovative protection to his audience. Thanks to François-Xavier Ricardou, Founder and Editor-in-Chief.

France Bleu radio presents Overcap, the futuristic-looking hood
“What if you rediscover nature without worrying about the weather? It is now possible with the overcap, a rigid hood attached to the backpack. It replaces the umbrella or the cap. An invention made in Montpellier and Lunel. This futuristic-looking hood protects from the sun, wind, rain, cold and even mosquitoes. “
Thanks to radio France Bleu for this live interview of the show “Une heure en France“, animated by Frédérique Le Teurnier, Denis Faroud
Entreprendre à Montpellier website talks about the overcap hood
“The startup Oxaz has created Overcap, the first rigid and independent 100% comfort hood for difficult weather conditions.”
News on the Overcap hood on the website Montpellier-entreprendre of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole focuses on innovative Overcap hood
“A hike, a work outside in all weathers? Discover Overcap, the light and removable hood which protects from rain, wind and even from the sun”
A beautiful article, with references, published by
France 3 occitanie and his article on the replacement of the umbrella by Overcap
“What if you rediscover nature without worrying about the weather? It is now possible with the overcap, an innovative hood from the future attached to the backpack. It replaces your umbrella or even your cap … A made invention in Montpellier and Lunel. “
Great reportage from Martin Villaret and Fabrice Dubault for France 3 Occitanie

Midi Libre zooms on Overcap, the new revolutionary hood
“An independent accessory dedicated to outdoor activities in all weathers, Overcap was born in Lunel, in the mind of a hiker. A crowdfunding campaign is planned.”
Very nice article written by Virginie Tauzin for Midi Libre newspaper online
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