OXAZ draws its essence from the passion for observing nature. Its first product is the materialization of this philosophy: thanks to the Overcap hood we can spend more time outdoors, which allows us to appreciate nature more deeply, to love it.
The more we love nature – of which Man is a part – the more we want to respect and protect her.
OXAZ is a very young brand with few resources, a new born in the huge global ecosystem.
This page presents what we do in terms of respect for nature and people. In our humble opinion, this is still too little and we hope that the development of the activity will allow us to make better choices in a next future!
The development of the hood was done in an economy of means, not only out of necessity but also out of a desire for sobriety. In fact, sobriety – or frugal innovation – is an approach that avoids waste and limits waste.
In addition, the design integrated a bio-inspiration and eco-design approach. Overcap draws inspiration from two biological strategies in particular. First of all, that of the woodlice and the armadillo with their shell made of several semi-rigid segments. This folds into a compact ball. And also that implemented by the desert snail. This always maintains an insulating cushion of air between its body and the warmest surface of its shell! To find out more click on this link.

Sobriety, Efficiency, Renewability, this is the credo of the Négawatt Manifesto, which OXAZ has made its own.
The OXAZ headquarters are therefore supplied with truly 100% green electricity by the ENERCOOP French Cooperative Company.
The Overcap hood is a complex product, the know-how to make it is not available on every corner.
Thus, the internal plastic pieces are made in France and in Portugal. The textile production is carried out by a French company whose factory is in China and in the process of SA 8000 certification (international standard on the development, maintenance and adoption of socially acceptable practices in the workplace).
Find out more: https://www.novethic.fr/lexique/detail/sa-8000.html

For the transport of goods, but also for the trips of the oxaz team, we favor the most energy-efficient transport and the lowest carbon impact: in particular the boat and the train rather than the plane.
Find out more: https://datagir.ademe.fr/blog/impact-carbone-mobilite-eco-deplacement/
Planned – or prematured – obsolescence, in other words product sustainability, is a subject often overlooked by many outdoor brands. What good is a product made from recycled plastic bottles if it degrades faster with use and cannot be repaired?
The fabrics of the new version of the Overcap hood are made of recycled nylon, whose DWR water-repellent treatment is free of environmentally toxic PFC. Since plastic parts have very technical functionalities, they cannot yet be made from recycled or bio-sourced materials. In the meantime, we have focused on the durability of the product. This is all the more relevant as 80% of the environmental impact of products comes from the manufacturing stage!
The Overcap hood is designed so that 90% of its parts can be dismantled to be easily repaired or replaced.
Find out more: https://www.novethic.fr/actualite/social/consommation/isr-rse/al- origin-l-obsolescence-programmee-inventee-en-1932-pour-lutter-contre-le-chomage- mass-147885.html

Is your Overcap hood damaged? We fix it.
Is your Overcap hood at the end of its life? We get it back.
Until recycling solutions are developed, we will reuse certain components (parts, textiles) for a new use (prototypes) or to create other objects (cases, covers, etc.).
In fact, don’t hesitate to let us know your ideas on this subject!
To contact us, it’s here.